These descriptions are copied directly from 1001 Nudibranchs by Neville Coleman

3 Common Name 4 (Size)
5 Scientific Name 6 Locality Data
7 Date of original Collection or photo 8 Author and date of published description 9 Distribution
10 Depth 11 Information data
12 Photo Credit 13 Habitat Details

Habitat Details

M/M  Mud & Mangrove
S/R Sand & Rubble
S/R Sea Grass
R/R Rocky Reef
C/R Coral Reef
O/O Open Ocean

Spanish Dancer (130mm)
Hexbranchus sanguiness Heron Island GBR
11/75. Host to commensal shrimp
Periclimenes imperator C/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 41

Donut Nembrotha (50mm)
Nembrotha sp. Port Stephens NSW
1998. (Photo: Carols Harris)
15m on sand S/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 44

Red-Gilled Nembrotha (60mm)
Nembrotha rutilians Exmouth, WA
8/72 (pruvot-Fol.1931)
5m on Ascidan R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 44

Morose Tambja (45mm)
Tambja morosa Heron Is. GBR
7/73. Africa, Hawaii, Jaoan, Philippines
5m colour variation C/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 45

Fine Lined Tambja (25mm)
Tambja sp. Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
11/86. Eats bryozoans
20m colour variation R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 46

Verco's Tambja (130mm)
Tambja verconis Poor Knights NZ
1/02. Common in summer (Dec)
15m eating Bugula sp. R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 46

Conspicuous Polycera (70mm)
Polycera capensis Pt Hacking NSW
10/68. (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
10m eats bryozoans R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 47

Black-Tipped Okenia (35mm)
Okenia sp. Montegue Is. NSW
1/78 Appears undescribed.
25m eats bryozoans R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 52

Red Stripe Okenia
Okenia sp. Agincourt Reef. GBR. WA
3/77. (Photo:Phil Woodhead)
12m on reef. R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 52

Variable Aphelodoris 1 (60mm)
Aphelodoris Varia Cronulla NSW
6/76 (Abraham, 1877). Diurnally active
20m on reef, eats sponges R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 54

Variable Aphelodoris 2 (60mm)
Aphelodoris Varia Forster NSW
3/85. Common along the s/east coast
10m colour variation R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 54

Variable Aphelodoris 3 (50mm)
Aphelodoris cf Bass Str. TAS
5/74 Common
5m Colour variation R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 54

Fringed Doris (20mm)
Doris (sp) Lizard Is. GBR
11/75, Appears undescribed
10m under dead coral C/R

Chrysanthemum Neodoris (22mm)
Neodoris chrysoderma Port Stephens NSW
9/77, (Angas, 1864) WA, SA, VIC
30m on reef. Diurnally active R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 57

Black-Gilled Jorunna (16MM)
Jorunna sp. Moreton Bay QLD
6/97. Appears Undescribed
6m on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 60

Beautiful Platydoris (120mm)
Platydoros formosa Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
1/2000. Common, generally nocturnal
15m colour variation, in cave R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 60

Rough Trippa (35mm)
Trippa intecta Tweed Heads NSW
12/77. Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam
3m colour variation. Hong Kong R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 63

Ornate Lidlinella (20mm)
Cadlinella Ornatissima Heron Is. GBR
11/87. (Risbec, 1928) NSW. Red Sea, Japan
20m eats Halisaroa metabola, Africa C/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 64

Sweet Ceratosoma (60mm)
Ceratosoma amoenum Pt Stephens NSW
4/75. Diurnally active
5m colour variation, on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 64

Short-Tailed Ceratosoma (120mm)
Ceratosoma brevicaudatum Freemantle WA
3/71. Common in seagrass meadows
3m lateral aspect, on reef S/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 65

Magnificent Ceratosoma 1 (80mm)
Ceratosoma magnificum Moreton Bay QLD
6/97. (Elliot, 1910). New Caledonia
8m on reef, eats sponges R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 65

Magnificent Ceratosoma 2 (50mm)
Ceratosoma magnificum Gold Coast QLD
6/97. NSW, Japan, Red Sea, Indonesia
5m colour variation, on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 65

Sinuate Ceratosomoa (60mm)
Ceratosoma sinuatum Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
2/2000 Japan, GBR, Solomon Is. WA, NSW, Hawaii
10m dorsal aspect
1001 Nudibranchs page 66 R/R

Ambiguous Chromodoris (20mm)
Chromodoros ambigua Port Phillip VIC
12/2000, Endemic to southern Australia
8m on black sponge
1001 Nudibranchs page 67 R/R

Daphne Chromodoris (45mm)
Chromodoris daphne Port Hacking NSW
1/70. Feeds on Chelonaplysilla violacea
10m colour variation
1001 Nudibranchs page 69 R/R

Elizabeth's Chromodoris (46mm)
Chromodoris elisabethina Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
11/79. Bergh, 1877. Okinawa
20m eats Dysidea sp. sponge R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 69

Loring's Chromodoris (25mm)
Chromadoris loringi Pt Stephens NSW
12/75. (Angas, 1864) Endemic
25m on reef (mating) R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 72

Splendid Chromodoris 1 (60mm)
Chromodoris splendidia Botany Bay NSW
10/68 (Angas, 1864) Diurnally active
8m eats Darwinella sp. sponge R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 73

Splendid Chromodoris 2 (50mm)
Chromodoris splendidia Moreton Bay QLD
1/96. QLD, GBR. Colour variation
20m eats Chelonaplysilla violacea R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 73

Tasmanian Chromodoris (50mm)
Chromodoris tasmaniensis Coffs Harb NSW
1976. Diurnally active. Common
15m eats sponges, on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 73

Thompson's Chromodoris (20mm)
Chromadoris thompsoni Botany Bay NSW
12/68. VIC. S/east Australian endemic
20m mating pair R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 74

Angas's Glossodoris (25mm)
Glossodoris angasi Jervis bay NSW
9/78. Rudman, 1986. Endemic
15m on reef. Dorsal aspect R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 77

Black Margined Glossodoris (35mm)
Glossodoris atromarginata Pt Stephens NSW
12/95. Eats Luffariella sp. sponges. Okinawa
8m colour variation, on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 77

Avern's Glossodoris (35mm)
Glossodoris averni Mooloolaba QLD
1/97. Philippines, NSW, Red Sea
25m colour variaton, on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 77

Red-girdled Glossodoris (60mm)
Glossodoris rubroannulata Mooloolaba QLD
6/98. Rudman, 1986. Uncommon
25m on reef, dorsal aspect R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 78

Bennett's Hypselodoris (40mm)
Hypselodoris Bennetti Coffs Harb, NSW
11/85. (Angas, 1864)
8m has direct development R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 79

Coleman's Glossodoris (30mm)
Glossodoris sp. Lord Howe Is. S/ Pacific
10/87. Appears undescribed
20mm on reef, eats sponges R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 79

Caramel Hypselodoris (25mm)
Hypselodoris cf. 'maculosa' Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
10/87. Diurnally active. Uncommon
15m Dorsal aspect R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 81

Obscure Hypselodoris (50mm)
Hypselodoris obscura Keppel Is. QLD
9/74 (Simpson, 1885). Common
8m eats Dysidia sp. sponge R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 81

Tiled Hypselodoris 1 (30mm)
Hyselodoris sp. Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
11/79. Appears undescribed
18m colour variation R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 82

Tiled Hypselodoris 2 (30mm)
Hyselodoris sp. Moololaba QLD
1/97. Diurnally active. Very variable
25m on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 82

Sulphur Noumea (12mm)
Noumea sulphurea Jervis Bay NSW
11/70. Rudman, 1986. Endemic, s/e Aust
18m on reef, eats sponges R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 84

Denison's Dendrodoris (60mm)
Dendrodoris denisoni Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
2/80. (Angas, 1864) Okinawa, Africa
20m on reef, eats sponges R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 86

Carlsonhoff's Phyllidia (55mm)
Phyllidia carlsonhoffi Vanuatu
7/82. Bruckhorst, 1993
25m on reef, eats spongess C/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 89

Pustulose Phyllidiella (30mm)
Phyllidiella pustulosa Port Moresby PNG
12/96. Red Sea, Malaysia, Thailand
15m eats Halichondria sp. sponge R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 92

Lord Howe Bornella (8mm)
Bornella sp. Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
10/87, Appears undescribed

25m on reef R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 98

Coleman’s Janolus (22mm)
Janolus sp. Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
1/2001. Diurnally active

22m on reef uncommon R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 104/105

Red-Lined Flabellina (40mm)
Flabellina rubrolineata Sydney Harb. NSW
3/74. Eats :Hydroids.
10m on muddy reef. Dorsal aspect R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 106

Red-Lined Flabellina (25mm)
Flabellina rubrolineata Exmouth. WA
8/72. Indonesia, Japan, Suez
3m Colour variation C/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 106

Made-Up Phyllodesmium (25mm)
Phyllodesmium Serratum Port Phillip VIC
12/2000. Feeding on Soft coral
5m on jetty pile R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 114

Serpent Pteraeolidia (60mm)
Pteraeolidia ianthina Vanuatu
7/82. May sting if touched. Philippines
30 lays up to 5000 eggs S/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 115

Rose Petal Bubble (50mm)
Hydatina physis Rottnest Is. WA
1/72. (Linnaeus, 1758) Philippines
5m on sand, eats worms S/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 118

Inornate Chelidonura (45mm)
Chelidonora inornata Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
11/94, Baba, 1949. Okinawa
10m often found on coral, eats worms C/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 119

Red Philinopsis (20mm)
Philinopsis sp. Bali Indonesia
1990. (Photo: Roger Steene)
8m on sand. Appears undescribed S/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 121

Ornate Sagaminopteron (15mm)
Sagaminopteron ornatum Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
10/86. Tokioka & Baba, 1964
20m eats Dysidia sp. sponges R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 121

Blue Spotted Elysia (20mm)
Elysia sp. Norfolk Is. S/Pacific
12/88, Appears undescribed
3m variation (night) R/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 130

Splendid Thuridilla (40mm)
Thuridilla splendens Lord Howe Is. S/Pacific
2/80. Japan, QLD, GBR, Okinawa
5m dorsal aspect, reef C/R
1001 Nudibranchs page 132

Doris Cameroni (20mm)
The Yellow Doris (Doris cameroni) is a small dorid nudibranch species that is endemic to the waters of south eastern Australia. This nudibranch is part of the Dorididae family. This species is known to occur from Coffs Harbour in northern New South Wales to the eastern waters of South Australia. The mantle of this species is coloured yellow and the mantle is covered many rounded tubercules and each tubercule generally has a small black spot but there may be as many as three spots on each tubercule. The rhinophores and gills are generally the same colour as the mantle. The Yellow Doris (Doris cameroni) is known to grow to a maximum length of approximately 2cm.

Kune's Chromodoris (40mm)
Chromodoris kunei Heron Is. GBR
11/74. Pruvot-Fol, 1930. Okinawa
10m on reef, eats sponges
1001 Nudibranchs page 71

Leopard Chromodoris (40mm)
Chromodoris leopardus Mooloolabah QLD
1/97. Rudman, 1987. Philippines, Okinawa
25m on reef, eats sponges
1001 Nudibranchs page 71

Ringed Janolus (40mm)
Janolus sp. Pt Stephens NSW
12/75. Appears undescribed
20m on sand
1001 Nudibranchs page 104