M&K reef
Club dive to M & K Reef, Mike, Pete and Ahmad met at Port Botany... Oops Mike left his BC at home, no diving for him. We headed our where the seas were ok and wind light. Anchored on top of the main overhang. Not a lot of fish life but visibility was better than expected at 5-6m, but cold 16°. Around to the North of the reef at 22m there is another overhang wit a lot of Gorgonians growing.
Henry Head
MacKat dived Henry Head and said the vis was ok, so we dived here for 2nd dive. Ahmad didn't dive as he had a reverse squeeze on the first dive. Vis was just as Michael said, although maybe a bit better down on the sand line. Didn't find the Weedy's Michael mentioned, but we found some cute Mourning Cuttles and a not so playful Octopus.