Club dive weekend at Shellharbour, I decided to drive down Saturday Morning with Rudy, Heinz and Leo. It was a magic day, flat seas, no wind and brilliant sunshine. We headed out to the Hump first, the engine stalled and we found about 50m of nylon rope and a fish trap around the prop. Leo jumped in and removed it. We dumped the rope on shore after the dive.
After anchoring I dropped down first, the water was a nice blue and I could see the bottom (27m) at the 15m mark. There is a lot of soft coral growth here, small Nudibranchs and we even managed to find a Wobbegong shark. I took a photo looking up at 27m and could see the outline of the boat. Viz around 20m but a cold 17°
After dumping the nylon rope near the Gravel loader, we headed to the Arch. Again the visibility was exceptional. We headed through the Arch from the shallow side where a giant Bullray was sleeping, checked out a number of crevices and then over the ledge to the second cave. I have heard rumours of Grey Nurses here, none today, but there was a large quantity of Bullseyes and Yellowtail.
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