Club Boat dive today, and I used Yowie Bay Boat ramp for the first time. Maybe its me but the ramp is quite small, and not a lot of manoeuvring space around the wharf. I think I might stick to Dolan's Bay.
We headed out to Osborne Shoals, our first attempt at anchoring wasn't the best with the GPS showing 50m, so we pulled it in and set the anchor again. This time we nailed it with the anchor dropping into the sand outside the cave. Greg hooked it into a rock for me. One thing we did notice as soon as our heads went underwater 15-20m visibility, we could see the reef and just make out the bottom. With 4 boats there was a lot of anchor ropes around.
Heading east along the wall we found many of the normal Nudi's, a Cuttlefish, ray and a juvenile Weedy Seadragon, its great to see the juveniles which means they are breeding. Greg found a Tackle Box and after opening it a Blue Groper decided he wanted some of it. It looks like its been there for a while, a lot of silt built up inside it. and just before surfacing I found an Octopus hiding in the top of the cave.
On the way to Jibbon beach we noticed a Yacht sitting on the rocks around Oak Park, Rescue and Maritime were out and the police were directing shore traffic. Got a photo of it see below.
Second dive at Barren's Hut was just as good. Visibility around 15m with a very strong bottom current running South to North. We anchored above the split and headed down to the tunnel first, then past the cave to the chimney and back through the cave. There were a lot of small Nudi's around.
Osborne Shoals
Barren's Hut