What a surprise. The current was quite strong and the bottom surge was strong so we decided to hang around the split. The anchor was on the eastern rise of the split and after securing it we swam along a ridge, out of the current, and into the split. This is where we saw many PJ sharks. I swam along and did a quick count and counted 82. I am sure I missed a few. This was a great experience. At one stage I just stopped on the sand and waited. After a few minutes a few PJ's drifted and settle next to me, then one sat across my legs. They are quite friendly.

Second dive was at Shiprock. High tide at 11:20 was good timing. With the steep climb down from the road its quite a dangerous task, so we decide to do it by boat. Call it lazy, I call it safe. Not great visibility but a dive just the same.

Barren's Hut (The Split)
