The weather was good to us today. Seas flat, very little wind. We decided to install our mooring on the Undola. I prepared it all on Saturday. We found this floating around Botany Bay, it was a shipping hazard so we dismantled it, with intentions of using it.
We anchored on the north side of the wreck and dropped over the mooring with a crossover to the anchor rope. It landed on top of what looks like part of the deck ribbing, nice and solid. We hooked it up and continued our dive.
On the way down the anchor rope we noticed all the particles in the water, and thought it was going to be an average dive, with viz around 5m, but when we hit the bottom the viz opened up to 20m, all be it a bit dark. A sensational dive.
2nd dive an old favourite Barren's Hut. Again the viz descending was around 5m, then opened up to 20m on the bottom. I spent some time exploring my macro camera settings. Another great dive.
Barren's Hut