Another great plan was washed out by the big seas, Barren's Hut was the plan, but the seas looked a little big for my boat so we decided on 6 Fathom reef.
Parked the boat over the reef dropped the anchors, checked the GPS, ep not drifting, geared up and dropped over the side.
Vis was around 2m so we headed in the direction of the reef, mmm no reef, we looked around for a couple of minutes and could not find it a quick shrug of the shoulders and a "lets go back to the boat" signal.
On the way back to the boat "what's that", it's the reef, where did it come from.....anyway we finned around the reef, vis was better above the 12m mark at around 5m but down to 2m at 15m, so we took some photos, as we do for about 40mins and then it was time to head back to the boat...its in that direction so we headed out....mmm no anchors. (I know the front anchor was firmly wedged in a rock and it could not come out on its own) so we decided on a blue water ascent.
Drifting at 5m waiting for the 3min safety stop we drifted directly into the anchor ropes. Bit more of good luck than good planning.
After this dive we checked the time and as the vis was pretty bad we thought we could catch the high tide at Shiprock so we headed in.
Shiprock from a boat, the ultimate laziness, got a great shot of Rudy in the bubble cave.
6 Fathom reef